STEPS has started its function on 17th April 2013 & it is fully committed to conduct the training programmes on Entrepreneurship & skill based training programmes as per the need of the society, Industries, schools, colleges, Social organisation, women organisations & corporate sectors with the help of expertise and experience resource persons of the organisation.
STEPS conducts variety of training programmes for prospective & existing entrepreneurs under the direction & guidance of founder member Mr V A Tanawade who is post graduate in Master in Business Administration (MBA) with Marketing Specialisation & completed accredited Training of Trainers(ToTs) at EDII (Ahmadabad) & at Vienna(Austria) funded by European Commission(EU). He was an ex‐officio of Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED) & Maharashtra Industrial & technical Consultancy Organisation(MITCON).
He worked in above reputed organisations in different capacities. He has 29 years of training experience in the field of Entrepreneurship Development, Strategic planning & delivering sessions on Business Opportunity Identification,motivation, how to set up Small Scale Industry (SSI), Marketing etc.
Our Values
70% Complete (success)
85% Complete
75% Complete (warning)
95% Complete (danger)
The Need
Looking at present scenario, it is very difficult to get job opportunities in Government Sector, public limited, private sector etc.
Every year lakhs of students are getting their degrees (Graduation, Post Graduation) in various faculties.
If we compare this figure with job opportunities available in this country, the proportion is 100 : 1 (100 students job opportunity 1).
To overcome this problem students attitude has to be changed. Instead of hunting jobs they should be turned towards launching their own business, service centre, industries etc.
The proper motivation, adequate training, requisite infrastructure and committed social support can convert the faceless unemployed youths in highly achievement oriented successful entrepreneurs.
The STEPS has motto of "Entrepreneurising the Society".
Completed Batch's
The Objective
To organise & conduct training programmes to motivate budding entrepreneurs through structured training course so as to enable to setup their unit.
To identify the needs & provide leading solutions through training to the members of Govt/ Non Govt organisation & existing entrepreneurs engaged in supporting & promoting entrepreneurship.
To gather & dissemination of information related to entrepreneurship.
To provide platform for interaction & exchange of views of different agencies & individual entrepreneurs through seminars & workshops to make them expert in Business.
Promoting the culture of entrepreneurship through different digital media.
To sensitise towards self‐analysis & self‐development.